Wednesday, March 12, 2008

white stereotypes

I only like 23 of the 87 things listed on this list of Things White People Love.

Does that mean I'm not white? or does it just mean that the creator of that blog is totally stereotyping white people? Yeah, I think he/she is totally stereotyping white people too. But for some reason, it's ok to do that, and what's more is that people (myself included) find it funny! Would it be ok or just as funny to create a list of Things Black People Love? Or Things Mexicans Love?

Below are 23 things that I do love (though I don't always agree with the description):

#1 Coffee
#5 Farmer's Markets
#8 Barack Obama
#10 Wes Anderson Movies
#12 Non-Profit Organizations
#13 Tea
#19 Traveling
#29 80's Nights
#30 Wrigley Field
#34 Architecture
#36 Breakfast Places
#38 Arrested Development
#39 Netflix
#40 Apple Products
#41 Indie Music
#47 Arts Degrees
#49 Vintage
#53 Dogs
#57 Juno
#63 Expensive Sandwiches
#64 Recycling
#79 Modern Furniture
#82 Hating Corporations


Kunnari said...

probably not...

some of the things on that list are redicilous though.... things that everyone goes through, like hating your parents, coffee, barak obama, traveling....

Sarah said...

What about asians? You don't love them?

sarah said...

you know i do! just not the way the blogger described....would've been too weird.

Unknown said...

Imo, a lot of the stuff seems like stereotypes for newagey folks than white people in general.