Thursday, March 8, 2007

news clip

the above link will direct you to news coverage of the exhibit...check out the video clip and be SURE to take note of the graphics in the background!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

exhibit reflections

What a party we had last night to celebrate the opening of The Ancient Americas. I heard today that over 3,200 people were in attendance! That's insane. But the festivities and good spirits last night were incredible and for good reason.

The day started off with a press-preview that lasted til about 11 am. then from 1-3 there was a staff preview. It was such a surreal feeling to see visitors walking through the exhibit....I can't even describe it. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by all the work that went into this thing when I saw people walking through it, taking it in, but not understanding all the headaches and frustration that it took to get this thing completed.

An exhibit requires more architectural, more interior designing, more psychological analysis than i ever expected. An exhibit not only has to display artifacts or objects, it has to portray history, cultures, emotions, societies, religion, science, art (and more) in such a way that a visitor doesn't have to read every label or photo caption to understand what they're seeing. the magic is in the details. not only the way an artifact looks, but the environment that it is displayed in. the colors, the lighting, the way visitors walk through the exhibit taking into account things that humans are naturally drawn to...what will peak their interest to make them decide to walk up to something and engage in it. the environment gives the artifacts gives them a time and place to relate to.

I'm overwhelmed with excitement about this project and I can't wait to show some of you what i'm trying to explain here. I'm so proud to have been a part of this exhibit not only because of the huge accomplishment and the beautiful end result, but because of the overwhelmingly positive response we got from other staff members, the press, and friends/family who saw the exhibit for the first time last night. it really is the most rewarding thing that I've ever done.

and now...some pictures!

the end result in photo form...

Click the title to see photos of the exhibit!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

hanging out

This guy sure was enjoying the weather. I spotted him hanging out a 2nd story window on my walk was extraordinarily BEAUTIFUL outside!

I promise I'll stop posting about the weather for a while, it's getting to be a bit ridiculous trying to keep up with the fluctuating temperatures.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I bought a new dress today... hard to believe, i know. but it's beautiful and I needed something special for the party on tuesday night. word on the street is that 3,000 people have already RSVP'd for this party. It's gunna be huge! Becky and Jen are coming, it should be fun and I'm very excited! Stay tuned for pics...I'm sure I'll take a few :)

Last night we had a pre-party party to celebrate the opening of the exhibit. This one was just for the exhibitions department (the people who built the thing) and it was very casual...basically a pizza party with beer. Very fun :) previous post was totally premature. The past 2 days have been pretty chilly and snowy...winter is not yet over. It sure felt like it was for a few days there. We had the most ridiculous thunder/rain storm Thursday night and I thought for sure spring had sprung. The thunderstorm was crazy! At about 3:30am there was the loudest, sharpest thunder crack I've ever heard. I think it was right above my apartment, and the it started pouring so hard I thought my apartment was leaking! Thankfully it was not leaking, just sounded like it was. I'm wanna give a shout out to everyone back home though...they've got a massive blizzard to deal with!