Tuesday, July 31, 2007

woe and whoa!

Argh. laundry sucks. and a non-operating laundry room sucks even more.

But while I'm waiting for the 1 functioning washing machine to finish, I just wanted to express how excited I am about recent and upcoming happenings!

First of all, my sister got engaged! yay! I'm going to have a brother-in-law! Congratulations B&B!! I love you guys!
Second of all, my best friend is coming to visit this weekend! While she's here, we're going to see one of my fav bands, Manchester Orchestra, play at the House of Blues, and we're going to a cubs game a couple days later. Should be a fun-filled weekend :)

...that's all i guess.

gotta go check the machine.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This needs a title, I'm aware of that

I heart chicago. I realize that just yesterday i said i left my heart in seattle, but in a matter of 24 hours I decided that i heart chicago again. It was touch-and-go there for a second, but i had a fabulous day at work today and I'm ok with being back in chi-town.

today at work: design preview for new temporary exhibit, Aztecs. (actually, that's not the real name of the exhibit, it's so early in the exhibit creation process that it doesn't have a name yet). Anyway, the design preview went spendidly, even though we were anticipating it to go not so spendidly. We got rave reviews from the directors and such, so at least we're on the right track. Definitely a lot of tweaking and fine-tuning ahead, but it's nice to know our hard work so far has not been in vain.

I also have a few other smaller projects on my plate which is fun cuz it fills in the cracks of time in my day.

I'm getting a new digital camera! I just realized that it was supposed to come today and it didn't....hmmm....better check that out. I guess that's why they give you tracking numbers. Anyway, I'm getting a new camera because I dropped my other one on the dock in Okoboji a few weeks ago and even though it was in it's protective caccoon of a case, the screen broke and was completely useless. It still took pictures, but I just had to use the old-skool view finder, which wasn't acceptable.

My new listening pleasure: The Kooks

A photo for you in honor of my heart being returned to Chicago:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dana's in Germany

My little sister, Dana, just moved to Germany where she's going to be a nanny for a year. I miss her already but I hope she's having fun. This is for you, Dana...I love you!!

I think I left my heart in seattle

Two days ago i returned from a 9 day trip to the Pacific Northwest. I spent the first 6 days and nights with my good friend Rachel in Seattle. It was my first time in Seattle, and the west coast for that matter, and I absolutely loved it! Seattle is a beautiful city with a lot of interesting things going on as well as a lot of pleasant, friendly people. It was so good to see Rachel again, in her city. The weather was beautiful 4 of the 6 days, and only rained for 2 of them. This was a great time of the year to go.

It's funny, one of the things that sticks out the most in my mind is the difference between Seattle's public transportation and Chicago's CTA. I think a lot can be said for a city based on it's public transportation. Seattle's buses were clean, comfortable, and on time! Their bus drivers were humane! They waited to start moving until people were seated, they didn't slam on the brakes and one even helped me get my huge suitcase up the steps. I was astounded, and frankly, it made my trip all the more pleasant. I know there are a lot of CTA bus drivers out there who are pleasant and courteous, but they are few and far between.

Anyway, Seattle was great! Click here for a few pics.

The second part of my lovely vacation was spent 2 hours north of seattle in Lynden, Washington. My college roomate, Tara, got married and I got to be a bridesmaid! It was a blast. Not only the wedding, which was gorgeous, but also getting back together with all my college roomates. It was a fabulous time as well.

Now I'm back in Chicago and it feels kinda weird. I missed a full week of work, a full week of commuting to and from work and 9 days worth of seeing the same old sights, the same old apartment. I'm glad to be back, but I definitely could have spent a lot more time in the Pacific Northwest, or anywhere else on a longer vacation! Yesterday, work was a struggle. I couldn't seem to get motivated. Today was a bit better. I have some new projects on my plate so there's no shortage of work to be done.

Oh, and I decided I love Iced Coffee. I had always thought it was really yuppy to drink that stuff and it probably still is, but it gives me the caffeine fix i need with a nice cooling effect. yum!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

trips trips trips

I'm back in Chicago after a quick 4 day weekend trip to Iowa. Consequently, yesterday felt like Monday, and today feels like Tuesday...but other than that, things are good. I got right back into things at work, and not only am I trying to catch up from missing a day, I'm also trying to work ahead as I'll be missing all of next week. I leave for Seattle on Friday!! I'm incredibly excited not only because I've NEVER been to the west coast, but because I get to see my good friend Rachel and be in my college roomate's wedding! Going to be a great 9 days.

Even though I'm incredibly excited, I'm also feeling really overwhelmed.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Modest Mouse Missed the Boat video contest

I love this video. it's an amazing work of art when you think about how it was made. Here's what the creator, Max Tyrie, says about it:

"Myself and a couple have friends have entered the above into the Modest Mouse video competition. Using green screen footage provided by the band we cut a simple music video. We then degraded the images and printed out each frame sequentially. (all 4133 of them) We then nailed each "shot" of 50-100 posters to various structures and posts. Then using a digital SLR camera with a long exposure we frame by frame shot each poster. Oh, and theres a little video projection (again, frame by frame on the SLR) just to mix it up. There is no compositing, no shortcuts, just lots of blood, sweat and tears, and a huge Kinkos bill!".... Max
