Wednesday, June 28, 2006

312 will pay for this...

So i get home from work today, hang out for a while, dink around on the internet, make some dinner and then decide to go for a run. As I reach for some socks, I notice a puddle of water in the middle of my closet floor. Hmmm....wonder where that came from. I pick up the flip flops that were near the puddle thinking for some reason that the flip flops were causing the problem. But, no, the flip flops are not leaking any water, but they are definitely soaked. I begin noticing other things in my closet that are wet as hamper, my bag of underwear (i don't have a dresser yet), boxes of books, miscellaneous shoes on the floor, my new ironing board (which I haven't even used yet!), more boxes, and you get the point. everything in my closet was wet. the ceiling isn't wet, so i don't know where all this water came from...then I checked my bathroom, which is adjacent to my closet. My bathroom rug was absolutely drenched, and there is a puddle of water on the TOP of my toilet seat. the floor tiles were were even dyed blue from the rug being so wet and bleeding the color. It was a disaster. I looked to the ceiling and notice a few drops of water hanging from my heat lamp...and I think to my self.....312 is going to pay for this. They're the apartment directly above me, and it's the only logical explanation to why i'm standing in pudddles in my closet and bathroom. So I called maintenance. Since there are no drops currently falling from the ceiling, he decided that 312 must have 'experienced a flood' and didn't think there was anything wrong with the pipes. But just to be sure, he's going to send the engineer to take a look TOMORROW morning. ugh. it's so nasty.

So right now, I'm washing every piece of clothing that was in the general vicinity, and waiting for all my boxes to dry out. It smells like wet cardboard in here. Normally I would just throw the boxes away, but I'm moving in 2 days and need something to carry all my stuff in.

Needless to say, I missed my run...

But i have something to add to my "why this apartment sucks" list (see previous post). i didn't use the term 'sucks' before, but after today's incident, I think it's more than appropriate.

#6 reason why this apartment sucks:
312 lives above me (I live on the top floor in my next apartment)
#7: this apartment smells like wet cardboard.
did I mention there are no screens on my windows??

Oh, and I'm begining to think that not a single person is reading my blog, so if you are reading this, could you leave some sort of comment just to acknowledge that you read this? Even if you have no clue who I am....please, show me some love!

yo yo ma pics

talk about lots of people!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

yo yo ma

Last night I saw the famous Yo Yo Ma in concert. For some of you who don't know who Yo Yo Ma is, don't worry, I didn't either until last week. He's a world famous cello player and the concert was free! right up my alley. I can't say I really pay much attention to cellos normally. Yeah, the word is fun to say and even more interesting to spell, but I've never really listened to them. Well, the concert was really cool. The Jay Pritzker Pavilion at Millenium park was PACKED, and that's saying something if you've ever seen how large the pavilion is. Anyway, the concert was fabulous, the music was interesting, and I met a bunch of new people through Becka and Morgan Attema. After the concert was over and most people cleared out, we were the group of 10 people playing a game called Apples to Apples on a large tarp.

Oh! work yesterday was interesting. The whole day was spent re-arranging cubicle walls so that our team of designers on the Americas project could be together. When I say the whole day, I mean the WHOLE day. It took quite a bit of manuvering to get the walls taken apart and figure out where they should go. I got a battle wound out of the whole day too. I was trying to help Thomas take one of the wall partitions apart but we couldn't figure out how to get the piece of plastic holding it all together to come off. So, me being the brains of the operation, I decided to take my new scissors and cut the plastic the way one would normally use a utility knife. At the time I thought it was a brilliant idea, and it was working perfectly fine until I got to the end of the plastic and the walls thudded to the floor, smashing my hand. I didn't think anything of it, until I set the scissors down and my hand was full of blood. Sliced my thumb open and shaved a layer off my pointer finger. kind of a mess, so Gloria (my co-worker) took me down to the first-aid office to see if i needed stiches. (wow, this story is becoming a lot longer than I had planned). Continuing....The first aid guy barely looked up from his crossword puzzle when we knocked on the door, despite the fact that the paper towel I was holding was red with blood. After determining that I would not need stiches, he slapped on a band-aid (which didn't even cover the wound), some gauze (also which didn't cover the wound), and enough tape to completely cover my entire thumb, except for the wound (which was located at the tip). It was a little ridiculous. When I went back to work people asked me if I had lost my entire thumb. Needless to say, I later re-wrapped it myself. I hope that guy finished his crossword puzzle ok.

In other news, my neighbors back home had their first baby. They named her Sarah Elizabeth. I'd like to say that they named her after me....but aparently they just liked the name when they saw it in the baby-names book.

In other, OTHER news, Sunday night there was a furiuos thunderstorm. Which, as I mentioned earlier, I had been waiting days for. But this one wasn't as pleasant as I had hoped. It kept me up til about 2am with all the thunder and lightening! Well, the storm kept me up and the fact that I had taken a 3 hour nap in the afternoon didn't help either. It was either take a nap or go outside where just down the block people were enjoying the annual Gay and Lesbian parade. Yeah, you would've opted for the nap too.

Anyway, I'm planning on going to bed early tonight even though I should start packing for the move. I'm trying to justify leaving my lovely little apartment and so far here is my list of bad things about this apartment:
1. no screens on the windows. bugs come and go freely, much to my disgust.
2. small. Though I've determined that, yes it IS a little bigger than my freshman year dorm room.
3. laundry is $1.50/load (only $1 at my next place. all adds up!)
4. location. creates an hour long commute in the am, and around 1.5 hour commute in the pm
5. rent: $760/month

I could give you a nice long list of good things about this apartment too, but I'd rather leave you thinking that I made the right choice by moving out....I like supportive people :D

Ok, hope you enjoyed the novel. I'll try post some pics of last night as soon as Becka emails them to me.....hint hint Becka! :)

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I got sunburned today at the volleyball tournament, even though I was only there for an hour. I like the fact that I was in the sun today, but not the fact that I am a tomato now. Wait, let me re-phrase that. I'm only a tomato on my left side...the right side is anything but tomato. That makes it worse. I'm going to find some aloe.
And this is a picture I took leaving work. It's what I see everyday from the steps of the Field Museum.

These are a few pics I took Thursday evening on my walk. The sky was beautiful, even if you can't see much of it in these me, it was.

Happy Saturday everyone. I went for a run this morning and it is absolutely beautiful outside. Later this afternoon I think I'm going to a beach volleyball tournament with Rachel, Becky, and Becky's little sister, Cathy. Should be a perfect day for it. Hmm... what else is new. I opened a new checking account last weekend and just deposited my first full paycheck from the Field Museum into it. Feels pretty dang good to have a paycheck, especially after spending so much money on finding an apartment a few weeks ago. Of course, the paycheck could always be a bit bigger, I definitely wouldn't mind. I'm not used to living paycheck to paycheck, so these first few months could take some getting used to. Things cost so much here, and the paycheck will get spent so quickly! I think ya'll back home would be pretty impressed with my ability to be a tight-ass. It sucks most of the time especially since there are so many fun looking restuarants and bars in my neighborhood, and it's natural for people to socialize over a meal out or some coffee from starbucks. Oh well, hopefully in the future when my finances level off a little more normally, I'll be able to treat myself to a new pair of shoes or jeans once in a while.

Big news though! My sister Becky and friend jess K from home are coming to visit next weekend. They're going to have to help me move to my new apartment, but hopefully that won't take too long....and we can enjoy the rest of the weekend like normal. I'm SOO excited to see them and catch up. Then the following weekend I'll be flying home for heather Kroeze's wedding, so I'll get to see more familiar faces. can't wait. I have the opportunity to be Heather's candid photographer at her wedding, which I'm also excited about.

Well, I'm gunna hit the shower, then set out to find becky and Rachel for the volleyball entertainment.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Today the weather people predicted storms. Horrible thunderstorms capable of producing large hail and damaging winds. I have yet to see the product of such storms, though I'm incredibly anxious for it to happen. So far all I've experienced today is humidity. Humidity at such a high percentage that even thinking of turning off the air conditioner makes me sweat. And because I'm on a budget and feel guilty running the air conditioner non-stop, that's what I'm doing. Sitting in my apartment, in the heat, air conditioner off, writing on this blog.

Other than the crappy weather predictions and the heat, I had a good day. Work is moving along at a steady pace, and I'm beginning to understand the way things need to be done in order to get this exhibit finished on time. The exhibit is set to open March 9, 2007 (my birthday), though the original schedule/plan was for it to open in May of '07. Then the president of the Field Museum decided we needed it to be be open sooner. Therefore, the schedule and work load was compressed, and we lost two incredibly critical months of production. Combine that with the fact that the head graphic designer on the project left for a 2 week vacation just 3 days after I started, and you end up with a whole ton of work to do, in a short period of time. March of '07 may seem like a long ways away, but in exhibit production terms, it's not much.

Last week a group of Field Museum designers, myself included, took a 'Field trip' to visit our friends at the Musem of Science and Industry. We got to see their U-505 sub from WWII, the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit, and other miscellaneous exhibits. It was an interesting experience. At one point when the design director of the Museum of Science and Industry was talking to us, I had a hard time believing where I was. I felt very honored to be with the group of people I was with, most of them quite a bit older than me, and very, very intellegent. My co-workers refer to me as the girl who just graduated from college. I'm not sure if that's a good thing in their mind, but for me, I'm pretty thankful to be where I am, so they can call me whatever they want.

Well, it's still not storming outside so I think I'll go for a walk.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

what a beautiful day. hope you all had a chance to enjoy it. It's officially summer tomorrow!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Well now, that was a nice little vaca from posting! Actually I don't think that could be considered a vacation since I barely started and it's been over 6 months :S

A ton, ton, TON has been going on in my life lately, predominately the fact that I've left 'lil old Sioux Center and moved to Chicago. I've been here just over three weeks, and am still adjusting to the city life. Things were pretty rough the first couple weeks trying to find an apartment, and getting TOTALLY freaked out about how much things cost. Thankfully, I have some really great friends here who have been really super supportive, not to mention my family and friends back home. I miss everyone so much, but I can't wait for people to come visit. Right now I'm sub-leasing an apartment for the month of June. Come July 1 I'll be moving to a different place, which I'll call home for a year. So needless to say, it's been a hard adjustment moving here, and then I have to move again! Oh well. Thankfully my sisters will be coming to visit that weekend to help me move. It's also Taste of Chicago that weekend, so there will be PLENTY of things to do....mostly eat I guess, but there's always something going on.

My job at the Field Museum has been going really well. As most of you know, I interned there a year ago when I was on the Chicago Semester program, and they offered me a real job for after graduation! I really liked interning there and living in the city, so I thought I'd give it a chance. Things have been much different from when I interned though. Being in the city has been harder, but the job has been better. Right now I'm working on an exhibit called the Ancient Americas, doing graphic design. The exhibit opens next spring, and when it's all finished, I'll have to find a new job, My contract is good only for a year, since they hired me solely to work on this project. So in a year, I'll have to decide if I want to continue living in the city or move elsewhere. It really depends on where I can find a job.

Well, that's all for now, I promise I'll do a better job of updating the posts in the future.

Yeah, so this is apartment #1...the one I'm subleasing for June. It looks really clean here....not typical unless I'm bored.