Friday, May 28, 2010

Four Years

This coming holiday weekend marks the fourth anniversary of my move to Chicago. In May 2006, I was fresh out of undergrad, a shiny new art degree in hand and confident that I had no idea what I was getting myself into. In the past four years I have experienced and learned many amazing things about myself, my career, and what it means to grow up. There have been good times and bad times. Friendships that came and went, new relationships begun, loved ones who entered the world and some who left it.

I'm now 26. And, save for a few things that could be better, I love my life. I love my career and my city. I love my new friends and old friends. I love my upbringing and I love my values. And more than anything, I love and appreciate my family. I know that there are a lot of people who are blessed to grow up and grow old in the same community their entire life, but for me personally, I have been blessed to grow up and then grow up even more in completely different communities.

Thank you to my family and friends for the support you have given me in the past four years. I know things haven't been perfect, but it's been a journey I'm happy to have made knowing you're there.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


When I was younger (errr...up until about 2 years ago), I thought Tuna were small fish. As in, really tiny. I think it's because the canned variety came in such small containers and I didn't have a cut of fresh tuna until I was out of college.

Anyway, the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is highlighted in Wikispecies' "Species of the week" and so I learned that the average weight of an Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is 550lbs and the average size is 6.5ft. Also, did you know that it's warm-blooded? I saw one of these giant creatures at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium last fall and was mesmerized by their iridescent scales.

What a beautifully surprising world we live in. It's good to be reminded that I have so much more to learn.


Logorama from Marc Altshuler - Human Music on Vimeo.

I know this is kinda old news, but if you haven't seen the film Logorama, do it now.
It won a much deserved Oscar in the Short Film category. If you hold any particular brand close to you heart you may be offended, but the music and sheer creative genius behind this is amazing.

via Made It Pretty

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Alumni spotlight

I've been selected for the May Alumni Spotlight on the DC AIGA blog. (Dordt College, American Institute of the Graphic Arts). Click on over here to read about my work since graduation and to see a few design samples.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I had such a wonderful day today. I think my body knew that it was the first day of May because I was up at 7:30am this morning (feeling great). This led to a crazy productive day.

Before 11:30am, I....

• cleaned my apartment (yep. cleaned. at 7:30 am)
• had breakfast
• installed my air-conditioner
• showered
• read the headlines (and a few articles. can you believe what's going on in the gulf right now?? it's disgusting and sad)
• went to the bank
• went to a rummage sale
• went to another rummage sale
• got groceries (fresh fruit and cheese. mmmm)
• snuggled with my cat
• made lunch.

The time is now 11:30am, and I need a nap.

The day was so great! I've been feeling pretty lethargic lately so it was nice to get out and make a great saturday for myself.

I scored the cutest picnic basket at one of the rummage sales today:

I can't wait to take him out for a spin. Hopefully several spins this summer.

Speaking of this summer. JZ completes his first year at Law School this coming week, after which he'll be coming back here to Chicago for a summer internship! Yay! The long distance thing has had it's ups and downs, and while I'm 99% excited to have him back in the city, I'm also a little nervous about the adjustment. Mostly though, I'm looking forward to the time we can spend together (having picnics!)

(picture at the top: i made those strings of pendant flags for myself. They make me happy)