Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AAM Conference

Pretty excited about tomorrow. I'm flying out to Philadelphia to attend the American Association of Museums' annual conference. Not only will I be spending time with 5,000+ museum professionals from around the nation, but I'll also get to spend some time wandering around a historic city! Philly, the city of LOVE. Since I've never been there before, I've requested a list of 'must-sees' from friends and strangers. This list includes places like the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Mutter Museum, Giana's Pizza and Grille, Independence Park, Christ Church and Burial Ground, and Eastern State Penitentiary. I also came across a Philly design guide courtesy of Design Sponge. I'd love to have time to check out some of those local spots, because, is it true? There are NO taxes on clothes or shoes in Philly?? Maybe I better bring an extra suitcase...

Panda Falls Down

hehe. my blog is random, I know, but this post is just a necessary sequel to this. What is it about pandas that just make them so cute?

Monday, April 27, 2009

smiles for a rainy monday

A collection of awesome images from around the web. These are making me smile today.
clockwise top left: my dream furniture; colorful maps; cat in a hat!; awesome envelopes; boredom?; spring flowers; touché

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm Walking!

For the first time ever, my sisters and I have formed a team and are walking in an MS Walk on May 9. Our team, Team Faith, is in honor of our mom who has been living with MS for 20+ years. It's really exciting to be a part of this. My sisters and I are still collecting donations, so if you're interested in contributing to a cure for MS, head on over to the National MS Society website, or click here to be brought directly to my donation page! I'm so excited!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I wish I would have taken more photos this past weekend but time just went too fast. It feels like I blinked and it's monday already.
Despite the quickness of the trip, Iowa was good. The drive there and back was good and the time spent with family, friends and bf was good. Really good. More details later.
Now I'm back at work with bags under my eyes. ick!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hi friends.

- Still looking for the perfect apartment.

- I'm going to Iowa this weekend for Easter.

- Bringing my BF with me to meet the fam!

- Wednesday morning I'm speaking at a Chicago Semester class about vocation. my vocation.

- That event will will take place exactly 4 years after I was in the same vocational class and I'm still trying to decide if 4 years is enough time to go from being the student to being the teacher on such an issue.

- It snowed here in Chicago yesterday. can I get an ICK?!? ick.

- The Aztec World closes in just 12 days. TWELVE DAYS PEOPLE! You're running out of time!

- Recently discovered that my favorite bowling place has half price bowling on Sundays.

- tonight I bought a used copy of Walden and an old book about plants with fantastic illustrations.

- My cat likes scrabble.


coolest. design competition. ever.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

geek out about type

Tonight, I'm going to check this awesomeness out with a fellow designer.
It's like Iron Chef for designers! sweet? yeah I think so too.