Monday, March 31, 2008

munday munday

The rainy bleak weather has got me feeling down today, which naturally affects my ability to walk properly.

I fell down on the museum's slippery marble steps and landed hard on the same knee that i hurt falling on the ice this february. And then i tripped on the steps going up to the design loft and spilled hot coffee all over my hand.

I sincerely hope your monday is going better than mine.

Please say it is.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

sorry, dreams.

A couple days ago I accused my weird dreams of being the reason why i've been so tired lately...

I was wrong. turns out i have the flu.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

white stereotypes

I only like 23 of the 87 things listed on this list of Things White People Love.

Does that mean I'm not white? or does it just mean that the creator of that blog is totally stereotyping white people? Yeah, I think he/she is totally stereotyping white people too. But for some reason, it's ok to do that, and what's more is that people (myself included) find it funny! Would it be ok or just as funny to create a list of Things Black People Love? Or Things Mexicans Love?

Below are 23 things that I do love (though I don't always agree with the description):

#1 Coffee
#5 Farmer's Markets
#8 Barack Obama
#10 Wes Anderson Movies
#12 Non-Profit Organizations
#13 Tea
#19 Traveling
#29 80's Nights
#30 Wrigley Field
#34 Architecture
#36 Breakfast Places
#38 Arrested Development
#39 Netflix
#40 Apple Products
#41 Indie Music
#47 Arts Degrees
#49 Vintage
#53 Dogs
#57 Juno
#63 Expensive Sandwiches
#64 Recycling
#79 Modern Furniture
#82 Hating Corporations

Monday, March 10, 2008

weird dreams

I gotta say, lately i've been having some really bizarre dreams. They're so vivid in my mind that, even though I'm dreaming I'm still aware of all five of my senses. Not only have i seen and heard things in my dreams i've also tasted spaghetti, felt pain when i burned my hand, and smelled rotting food in an abandoned home. Oh, and another thing that makes my dreams so weird? are the people in them! Old neighbors, classmates i haven't seen in years, the ceo of the museum, celebrities like Tom Hanks and George Clooney, my sisters, friends, old pets (who, in my dreams, can talk)....yeah, too strange.

It sometimes takes 30 minutes or more for me to convince myself that the events in my dream didn't actually happen. Like jumping from a decrepit bridge to save my drowning old neighbor? yeah, didn't happen. or chasing tornados in my home town with the president of the field museum? nope. or uncovering an unsolved murder mystery by exploring abandoned houses floating in the middle of the ocean? definitely didn't happen. (but...that one took the most convincing of all of them.) I've cooked spaghetti dinners with grade school classmates (in a grocery store) and even hunted for ghosts with George Clooney and a talking cat, Fluffy!

No wonder i'm so tired lately. My crazy adventures are keeping me up all night!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

cereal, tea lites and type

Look at this box of cereal i bought yesterday:

Golden Grahams has gone old school!

When I first saw the packaging, I thought, wow, what a great revamp of their package design. Then it occurred to me that it's not new or fresh at all, it's a flashback to the 1980's:


Since I'm on the topic of branding and design, take a look at the label found on a pack of IKEA tea lites. The Swedish must prefer graphic representation over type. Probably because this way they don't have to translate it into umpteen different languages:

Naturally, I have a couple favorites:

Warning: Lifesize candles are not very entertaining: may cause boredom

Warning: Children and dogs love to eat candles together. Do NOT let them share a lady and the tramp moment over an open flame. Especially your hairy dog. You think your dog smells bad now, try having one covered in burnt hair.

But my personal favorite:

Warning: Your boyfriend has a really bad haircut. And he pukes on candles. Make sure your candle wears a birthday hat to protect it from spewing vomit. (note: the birthday hat will not protect against bad haircuts.)