Saturday, January 13, 2007

wide awake it's morning

I can't sleep. I've been up for over 2 hours now and it's only 8:30 on a Saturday morning! I have no where to be, no reason for being up this early...I just can't sleep and it sucks.

Well, I guess I do have somewhere to be today, I have to go into work, but not til 1 this afternoon. I know, what the heck am I doing going into work on a Saturday?? Let me just TRY to tell you how crazy busy things are at work:

• In a mere 12 days (including the weekends), we have to have ALL remaining graphics ready to be sent to the printer. This may mean nothing to you, but there are a lot of things that have to be taken care of by then. Whole components of the exhibit are in flux right now as we work to finalize sizes, colors, materials, images, copy, etc.

• Even though the exhibit doesn't open to the public until March 9, we have to have it finished by the 1st. Thats when the VIPs (the directors, board members, president, and the press) all get to walk through and do whatever it is they have to do...critique it, film it, write about it, I don't know. Whatever it is, we have to have the exhibit finished by then.

• Proofing/printing of graphics takes upwards of 3 weeks, installing the graphics into the exhibit takes an additional 2 weeks, which puts us right at March 1.

• Artifacts can't be installed in the cases until all graphics for that case are finished and installed. This puts a time crunch on the production crew who have to pull all nighters to get the cases installed and closed up.

• I've already worked 55 hours this week, not counting what I'll work today.

Needless to say, the next 7 weeks will be interesting, tiring, and stress filled as we wrap up the Ancient Americas. I'll try keep you posted if I have time to think...


Becca said...

will this busy girl have time to see me sometime soon? possibly the 30th?

Sarah said...

Oh day at a time! You got it!