Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My weekend in Terre Haute, Indiana

Typing that title brought back a lovely little grade school memory called “my summer vacation.” This was when every august, at the onset of a new school year, grade school teachers ask their students to stand in front of the class and give a recap of what they did during their three month summer vacation. For a kid whose family never took extravagant family vacations to Disney World, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, or the Grand Canyon, this little project was the perfect time to prove to the entire class what a loser you really were…

Sorry, that’s another story, one that I will save for another time…

What this post is really about is the weekend that I spent with a friend in her hometown of Terre Haute. Who needs Disney World or the Grand Canyon when a lovely little town like Terre Haute exists? It really was a nice weekend. A great opportunity to take in some sights (Terre Haute is the home of square donuts and Claber Girl Baking Powder), relax and enjoy some beautiful fall weather. We spent some time in her mother’s knitting store, where I bought some amazing rust colored yarn for a new scarf, and went for a nice long bike ride on the town’s bike trail. We had sushi and thai and ice cream (but not all at once). Her parents are great and have a really lovely home. It was a great opportunity for me to take my mind off things and to get out of the city when the city, with all its bustling activity, can be quite smothering at times.

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