Monday, February 18, 2008

blog of blogs

Since I'm failing in the creative-blog-posting department at this time, I thought I'd pass on a few fun links that I came across in my blog exploration journey today. Enjoy! (but be careful to use the back arrow when returning to my blog :)

Kim White Handbags
Holy Cow! Why didn't I think of something like this? Oh wait, I think I did and then realized I don't own a garage full of vintage automobiles willing to loan me their seat fabric to make into awesome bags. But boy am I glad someone did. mom, you can give me this one or this one for my birthday :)

Music Critic
I came across this music review of Pelican's album, City of Echos (it's actually more of a review of the drummer) and thought wow, that's pretty harsh. It just so happens that my coworker knows and actually used to room with the drummer who this reviewer is bashing. Ouch. Everyone's a critic I guess.

Worlds largest music collection for sale
Ok, this is A LOT of music. If you're in the market to own about every album made in the past 50 years and happen to have an extra warehouse at your disposal and a mere $3 million dollars burning a hole in your pocket, you're in luck! There's a guy looking to sell his entire collection for exactly $3 million (OBO) on, where else but ebay of course! For those of us asking questions like, "is this for real?" wonder no more, there's a website specifically created to answer our burning curiosity.

Brand Revamps
This website isn't really intended to trick you, just get you thinking about logo design. Successful corporations are constantly evaluating their product's presence in the market and every few years find it necessary to re-design their logos, even if the change is invisible to the average consumer's eye. I find logo design and re-design extremely interesting (which may or may not have something to do with the fact that I'm a graphic designer.) I came across this website which evaluates and comments on the change logos undergo. Pretty entertaining ;)

Valentines Day Memories
Ok, I know this one is a few days old, but blogger Johnny Virgil CRACKS ME UP every time i read his stuff. You may or may not have received some of his work which was spread to the masses in a popularly forwarded email about JCPenny fashions in the '70s. If you never got that email, i insist that you read it immediately. When you're finished with the Valentines day humor and JCPenny flash-back, read this one and then this one. You won't be sorry, unless you have absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever.

On a much more serious note: Don't do drugs

I'd like to thank googlereader for making my blog-reading life so much easier. I couldn't have done it without you.

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