Sunday, August 16, 2009

absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?

Well, the inevitable has finally happened. jz has moved away to Urbana to start law school and I already miss him like crazy. It's a pretty awesome feeling to miss one person as much as I miss him right now. It's exhilarating and awful at the same time. I love him so much. If anyone has any insight on what can help a long-distance relationship, please use the comments section to share your thoughts or wish us luck. This could be a long three years.


Kunnari said...

move to urbana;)
seeing how i've never been in a long distance relationship i can't give you any advice. perhaps good a good long-distance cell phone plan?

Tara & Dave said...

Wow, 3 years is a long time. Visit each other a lot!

Andrea said...

Hmmm...lots of visits, stay connected on the phone, email during the day...always think of things you can be doing for him! Good luck!

jilybnz said...

skype! Its free and you can see eachother (if you have a webcam) We used it all of the time when brady was in nicaragua! its pretty slick.