Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving thanks.

Dear nearest and dearest Holiday of mine,

Thank you for reminding me to be thankful. Thank you for being about abundance and harvest and a celebration of the gifts we have received. Thank you also for allowing me to take a day off from work to eat insane amounts of guilt-free food with friends and loved ones. You really are swell in that regard.

But hey, no-thanks-to-you for not extending through Friday all the way until Monday. Seriously. What's the deal? You do realize that Black Friday has pretty much become it's own holiday and has sorta stolen your spotlight, don't you? Are you just going to sit there and take it? Can't you extend your holiday sacredness into two days? Or better yet... all the way through Monday? You could implement the first FIVE-DAY weekend and everyone would love you even more!

No, I know... you're probably right. Keeping a 'giving-thanks' holiday like yourself contained to a one day, semi-mid-week celebration allows for us to isolate it and not just throw it into the 3-day weekend category that's been over ridden with mattress sales and one-day only car sales. You sure are a class act, Thanksgiving. Thank you for being so humble.

I just wish Black Friday would back off...

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