Saturday, April 26, 2008


Sometimes when I'm exploring the gobs of websites devoted to photography, design and architecture I feel like I'm about to implode with inspiration (which is actually a daily occurrence). If you're looking for inspiration like me, or if you just like looking at cool things, pretty things, colorful things, dramatic things, challenging things...then you should do yourself a favor and head on over here.

But wait, before you go here's a tip: When you find an image you like (it won't take long), click on it and then see where the next image takes you, and where that image then takes you, and the next, and the next, and the...

let me know how you cope with the sense of imploding.

Oh, and a warning: Just know that when you head on over to that site you should be prepared to lose the rest of your day. enjoy!

1 comment:

Kunnari said...

too addictive. i spent a half hour doing what you suggested and it felt like 3 minutes.