Tuesday, October 3, 2006

kindergarten wasn't that long ago

I enjoy reminiscing. Not sure if that's how you spell reminiscing, but whatever. I still enjoy it.

Recently I got into a discussion with Dani about kindergarten and whether or not one could remember anything from that long ago. I wasn't sure if I could at first, but it didn't take long for my mind to be flooded with memories from that critical year in one's education. So, I thought I'd share a few of my kindergarten memories with you

• The magic carpet. Everyone has had a magic carpet at one point in their life. That year it was olive green.

• The class mouse (or gerbal). I remember this very vividly because I accidentally pulled it's tail off when I tried to pick it up. I swear someone told me I could do that, but apparently he/she was just a kindergartener and didn't know any better.

• The letter people parade. I was "O" and I remember having an orange taped to my paper bag. O is not a very exciting letter.

• Learning to spell our names, and memorizing our addresses and phone numbers. I remember this because the boy right before me in the alphabet could never remember how to spell his last name. I'm not going to name names, but I felt sorry for him. I'm sure he's ok now.

• Sitting in a circle on the magic carpet, right next to my best friend that year, and switching shoes to see whose feet were bigger. Really random memory, but I even remember the shoes...hers were those slip on canvas shoes and mine were pink jellies. Remember jellies??? You just dated yourself if you do.

• Bundling up for recess during the winter. We weren't allowed outside if we didn't have snow pants, scarves, mittens, earmuffs, coats, and snow boots. It was slightly embarrassing if you were stuck inside because you forgot your mittens.

what do you remember about kindergarten? anything?

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