Sunday, July 30, 2006

Michigan City was amazing.

I truly did feel like I was on vacation, just as I had hoped I would. Except in Michigan City we had our own beach house, and our own private beach, and there were co-workers there. Minor details. I didn't even get burnt despite the 95+ degree weather. It was a beautiful day away. I could definitely get used to that every weekend.

But today I'm back in Chicago, close to Lake Michigan, but so far away from having a beach house.

This morning after church I went out for lunch with Sarah Grace. it was her birthday. We also stopped at a garage sale and i bought a barely used papasan chair for a mere $10. If you don't know what a papasan chair is, you don't know what you're missing. My suggestion to you would be to look it up on the internet. You've proabably seen one before, you just didn't know it had a name. Anyway, it's great. My aunt and uncle used to have one when I was little, and I've wanted one of my own since then. I could've bought a brand new one from the store for at least $100, but I think $10 is much more in line with my budget. Ok, I'm going to post a pic of it so you can share in the joy of how cute it is.

Cute, huh. and it matches my comforter. For only $10 it wouldn't even have to match my comforter, but it does. so there's bonus points.

While I'm at it, here are a couple pictures from yesterday, at the beach in Michigan City.

1 comment:

Kunnari said...

we are currently storing one here at our house- it's kara k.'s and I love sitting in it. good bargan. good sabbath. good vacation. good times.